More than 1,700

+ 12 partnering publishers on the Livro Fácil platform

5,400 partnering schools, in every
state in Brazil and in
the Distrito Federal

102 Jabutis

1.6 million


We bring together leading brands in Brazilian education

Teaching systems for the entire K-12 segment, with different educational approaches

We have four company-owned publishers

We provide complementary solutions from edtechs that develop the skills students need

+ a wide range of digital services to support the school

Our purpose

To give students the opportunity to develop their potential through integral education

Long-term vision

To be the main agent of reinvention of education for the student of the 21st century

Our history



















Our first digital solution



Pitágoras becomes a network and develops its proprietary teaching system












Acquisition of SOMOS Educação by Kroton Educacional

Bilingual Experience



Incorporation of Cogna, of which Vasta is a subsidiary


Vasta IPO on the Nasdaq exchange (USA)

Acquisition of the Eleva teaching systems – Vasta becomes the largest service platform for primary and secondary education in Brazil

Agreement for the distribution of the Mackenzie teaching system


Partnership in the development of the Fibonacci network teaching system

New solutions for students and their families: Meu Prof and Plurall Adapta

Agreement with Macmillan for the development of a bilingual educational platform



Publication of the first Vasta Sustainability Report

Publication of the first greenhouse gas inventory



Vasta Sustainability Report, referring to 2022

Customer experience

Digital transformation

The Learning Book substitutes books and printed handouts with Chromebook computers for teachers and students, in a partnership with Lenovo

The Learning Book substitutes books and printed handouts with Chromebook computers for teachers and students, in a partnership with Lenovo

Partnerships with:


Plurall Educational Platform Logo

Our practical, organized online study and teaching environment, accessible by cellular telephone, tablet or desktop computer for students, teachers, guardians and coordinators.

Education System Illustration

Customizable areas according to the teaching system contracted

Modular Education System Illustration

Modular systems that permit customization according to each school’s needs


of the educational web traffic in Brazil is concentrated in the Plurall platform


What we offer



We received the 2022 racial equality certification from the São Paulo City Government

Black teachers: permanent space on the PROFs platform aimed at boosting the visibility of black and mixed-race teachers



Publication of Greenhouse Gas Inventory

100% of the energy acquired by the company from the free market is from renewable sources

100% of the teaching systems have contents onthe environment and environmental education at all grade levels



29% of Board of Director members are women

14% of the members represent the LBGTQIAPN+ community

3rd place in Brazil and 6th worldwide in Consumer Services from the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment ranking – CSA 

Our commitment to sustainable development

We have a wide-ranging vision of our role in society and for the planet. We believe that it is only possible to generate opportunities and long-term quality of life through education if we are efficient and effective from an environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) standpoint. This is why we incorporate these three pillars into the core of our strategy as a company.

We do this also with our public commitment to work for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2022, we adhered to the ten UN Global Compact principles in human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.

Image of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals



100% of our paper suppliers have FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification, ensuring sustainable stewardship in the chain; the company has also maintained certification in 100% of its operations since 2008

100% of the forklifts used in the distribution center are electric

*The Distribution Center is shared with the publishers of Saber, a company that is also part of the holding company, considering this amount, 73% of the machinery used to move the materials are electric

publication of our first Greenhouse Gas Inventory, in 2022

Multidisciplinary socioenvironmental education

Socio-environmental Book Illustration

We create and disseminate socio-environmental contents in all of our teaching systems, at all grade levels

Illustrative image for the Socio-environmental Education section
Aligned Teaching Materials Stamp Clipart Images

The educational materials are aligned with Brazil’s National Curricular Parameters or PCNs (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais) and the Common National Curricular Base or BNCC (Base Nacional Curricular Comum), which consider environmental education as a cross cutting theme

Logo Teláris Conecte Live

In collections such as Teláris (Ática publisher), for K-9 level education, and Conecte (Saraiva publisher), for secondary education: around 11% of the Science and Biology contents are directly related to sustainability and the environment

Logo LíderemMim

Líder em Mim (Leader in Me): a complementary solution that enables the school to develop a socio-emotional curriculum addressing the concepts of citizenship as a whole

Logo D Stem Education

STEM Connect – Discovery Education: a complementary solution that promotes discussion of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and societal demands


Quality of teaching

We monitor the quality of the company’s entire production using measurable and comparable instruments, with indicators that permit constant adjustments in our offerings and our relationships.

Approvals in university entrance exams and on the SiSU platform are also important measures of teaching quality in the partnering schools that use our teaching systems or the educational books from our publishers, as well as our educational consulting and the other solutions we offer

In 2022:

  • 14,931 students from SOMOS partnering schools were approved, of which 13,454 in SiSU and 1,477 in the university entrance exams that use the Enem score for selection
  • 1,046 approved by the University of São Paulo (USP) via Enem
  • 675 approved by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro via SiSU
  • 644 approved by the Federal University of Minas Gerais via SiSU

Plurall results in 2022:

  • 75.4% of schools with groups formed
  • 43.6% of students activated
  • 77.4% of teachers activated
  • 4.07 satisfaction score with Plurall given by teachers, coordinators and principals on the Likert scale, that ranges from 1 to 5, demonstrating that this audience likes the platform
  • 87.8% satisfaction with customer service and technical support in 2022

Culture and diversity

We develop a culture oriented to the future, seeking to imbue values and purpose that result in the offer of integral and transformative educational solutions

Behaviors that we encourage

Cultivation of Excellence

Cultivation of Leadership

Cultivation of Innovation

Cultivation of Well-Being

Cultivation of Autonomy and Support

Our policies of well-being, quality of life, diversity, and inclusion merge with the
SOMOS Culture to make Vasta a healthy and attractive workplace for professionals.

Our impact on society

We believe that access to education and reading can change the world. This is why, in 2017, we created the Instituto SOMOS, the social arm of Vasta that promotes social programs and mobilization for democratizing this access and the competencies for the future. A non-profit organization, it works with underprivileged children nationwide, with a view to building a more equal society capable of generating opportunities for everyone.

The institute’s main program, Somos Futuro is aimed at accelerating students from public schools, giving them the opportunity to do their secondary education in partnering educational institutions. The youngsters receive educational and

Literacy & Reading: contribute to literacy at the right age, through reading.

Technology & innovation: contribute to the debate of technology and innovation applied to education.

Access & democratization: to contribute so that young people in socioeconomic vulnerability, regardless of location, have access to education.

Somos Futuro Program

689 students since the beginning, in 2017

173 partnering schools

120 municipalities, in 18 states and the Distrito Federal

63% approval rate in public and private universities

54% approval rate in public universities

Audience profile


Employees play an important role in the education of these students as interviewers in the selection of candidates and as mentors throughout the course.
3,216 hours dedicated to the program in 2022

Impact assessment

Each BRL 1.00 invested by the Instituto SOMOS generated a return of BRL 11.04 for society.

PROFS Community: connecting educators who transform the future

Our ongoing teacher training initiative, PROFs, is a platform of free certified online courses, with or without tutoring. It is structured in a community-based interactive model for the distribution and sharing of knowledge and experiences.

more than 12,000 teachers from partnering schools were certified

27 new programs,
totaling 82 courses

Inclusion of “Anti-racist Education” training


Logo Women’s Empowerment Principles

Signatories to the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles

Logo Women on Board

We received WOB (Women on Board) certification for female participation on the Board of Directors

Logo Global Compact

We are signatories of the Global Compact - Brazil Network

Diverse, highly qualified board

Meeting Table Clipart Images

100% of the members of the governance bodies and employees received communication on anti-corruption policies and procedures in 2022

Code of Conduct illustration

The Code of Conduct provides guidance on expected behaviors and conduct that is not tolerated

Service Clipart Images

Confidential channel for reports, managed by a third-party company with confidentiality and impartiality guaranteed

Data security

We employ practices based on the international standards ISO 27001 (information security management) and NIST CSF (the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s framework on cybernetic security).
By means of these standards we cover diverse areas of work, including: cybersecurity, incident response, access controls, risk management, security architecture, awareness and training.

We are in full compliance with Brazil’s General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD). We provide the Privacy Portal, through which data owners may report any situation involving updates of data, reversals of consent or requests for information.


To check Vasta's first sustainability report, for 2021, click here

Reporting protocols

Materiality matrix